BK ROT is New York City's first community-supported, bike-powered, fossil fuel free food waste hauling and composting service, operating out of Brooklyn, NY.

This was a solo six-week pro bono rebrand and website redesign that I developed from concept to execution. I was later invited to join the interim Board of Directors at BK ROT to further develop the branding and marketing materials.

argodesign • Designer, Creative Director

BK ROT wanted a new branding that reflected their organization — handmade, youthful and a tactile look and feel. The previous logo felt very literal, and began to lose its fidelity when scaled down. One of the main goals for the new logo was to design something that could work at various sizes as well as different arrangements to fit varying form factors.



Early explorations

Creative workshop

After the initial mark was developed, I led a workshop with the BK ROT team comprised of leadership, youth leaders and volunteers to sketch ideas around what BK ROT represented to them. The sketches were later incorporated into a system of illustrations that could also be integrated into the logo.

Illustration exercise

Branded materials

The logo and the accompanying illustrations were mocked up into various objects — from BK ROT’s digital presence, to branded swag and packaging ideas — to show all the possible ways the branding can manifest in the real world.

I visited one of BK ROT’s community gardens to photograph their operations and generate assets that could be used on marketing materials, their website and social media accounts. I also sketched out a variety of other supporting visuals that could be used for future fundraising and events. 

Color palette
Fonts & type

Updated BK ROT website

The culmination of all the new branding was a redesigned website for BK ROT, which I designed. As part of the interim board of directors, I also hired a contractor and directed the responsive build of the site. I also created a set of comprehensive guidelines documenting the new branding.

“Memory board” of BKROT youth leaders
Promo for annual #BlackGold fundraiser 

Additional credits

Chris Pacetti, Mehera O’Brien, Jim Casey

© 2024