As one of the world’s leading airlines, Aeroméxico wanted to explore how a digital experience can present itself if booking flights was merged with discovering and learning about destinations.
I led the overall art direction and framework for key landing pages. The result was an updated end-to-end booking flow that integrated editorial content designed to assist and inspire travelers with their journey.
Work & Co • Assoc. Design Director (before) on (before) on mobile
The original website was informationally dense, lacked inspiration in terms of visual assets and imagery, and overall felt very static. The mobile site didn’t have a booker on landing, and thus felt even more like a marketing page.
Early iterations of the homepage
Inspiration moodboard
We began exploring directions by referencing all the various sights, sounds and even tastes that the team encountered when first visiting Mexico City. We wanted the vibrant energy of the airline’s hub to come through as soon as the user landed on the site.
Los coloresTipografía
Homepage framework
The homepage framework utilizes a seemingly familiar booker that shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has booked flights before. However, it also added a dynamic feature that allows users to discover specific destinations or themed getaways simply by scrolling down the page.
Explore destinations
The destinations landing page built on the motif of using iconic imagery — a mix of isolated objects designed to capture the essence of a destination, as well as scenic editorial photos to inspire travelers.
City detail
Iterations of the flight calendarExploration of flight frequency
We iterated heavily on the content-heavy sections, such as the destination detail pages. While the overall page structure was meant to be inspiring and editorial, we explored different ways to integrate utilitarian modiles such as calendars and flight frequency charts.
Article page template
Snapshot of the booking flow
We carried over the design details established in the landing pages into the internal booking flow as well. Sections that were otherwise very information-dense benefited from the grid and type hierarchy from the other pages.
Flight confirmationDetail of content inside confirmation
The concept of weaving editorial content into transactional pages was carried throughout the entire booking flow including the confirmation, which brought in tips for the traveler’s final destination.
Additional credits
Aleks Gryczon, Lauren Shapiro, Ben Kendall, Aliya Baptista, Sam Hodges, Thadeu Morgado, Mohan Ramaswamy